
Archive for the ‘Recommended Video’ Category

There was one day after some time of absence from YouTube when I finally logged in; and it was then I saw this really cute video of the friendship between a cat and a rat.

A cat that loves rat instead of chasing and playing with it? Of course it’s cute!

I always thought humans could learn things from animals. Not things like how to scratch your head with your leg, of course… more like, how to coexist in harmony with each other.

For example, in most (if not all countries), one can see the level of racism and how bad certain races are treated for, well, just being of that certain race. Some Chinese and Japanese people may still dislike each other (the hatred probably spawned from the Japanese occupation times), and many white and black people are often at odds with each other. How many people refused to vote for Obama simply because he was black? Even here in Malaysia, where we are proud to be multiracial, racism knows no bounds.

Humans also seem to be the only creature capable of cruelty… What other creature would cause war among themselves and kill each other? What other creature would actually rape its young due to uncontrollable lust? Of course, animals might actually fight its own kind, like a stray tomcat defending its territory from a trespassing cat or a pair of male moose dueling each other to win the heart of the female, but never would they actually kill the other if they win… merely drive them away. In the animal kingdom, it’s a eat-or-be-eaten world, a tale of survival, but some people do unspeakable acts just for amusement.

Sometimes, one couldn’t help but to feel sad.

But, different animals could actually be friends with each other, like the video (which was supposed to be the main topic of this post, really o_o). Even at my house, the three cats and one dog at my house (originally two cats and two dogs, one dog died of old age and we recently got another cat) live together in harmony. Well, not in full harmony yet (my cat likes to bully the newcomer, once she’s gotten used to her…), but there are never fights among them in my house.

Why can’t humans live inĀ  harmony with each other when animals of different species could?

Oh well, I guess it’s a question that I probably won’t get an answer to… not that I mind so much, anyway.

Regardless, I recommend this video to all animal lovers! :D



Note: This video is copywrited by the original author at YouTube. I had no hand in its creation, nor do I have any relation to its owner! I merely posted this video here for recommendation purposes.


~Estrelita Farr, who finds the video cute!

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Haha, I’ve this craze over Whose Line is it Anyway? (US version) lately. xP

In case you’re wondering what it’s about, it’s what they call a “short form improvisional comedy TV show”. We have four performers and a host, and the performers will improvise the scenes / songs / etc on the spot, using prompts from the host (predetermined) or the audience.

If you want to know more, Wikipedia is the place to go!

This particular YouTube clip of Whose Line? features a game called Hollywood Director, where Colin (the green-shirted guy) is a bigshot Hollywood director giving pointers to three actors to improve the scene. The current scene is Ryan (the tall, red-shirted guy), a prisoner doing a job of breaking rocks, and the warden, Chip (the blue-shirted guy), has something against him because he thinks he’s concealing a weapon. Wayne (the pink-shirted guy) attempts to bust Ryan out with a helicopter.

Hopefully you’ll enjoy it! My favourite is the last scene, STOMP-style! :D



Note: The video is uploaded by the guy at YouTube, I had no hand in its creation nor do I have any relation to the one who uploaded it!


~Estrelita Farr, who likes the show!

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Haha, my mother recommended this to me, and it’s so cute that I want to recommend it to people too!

Apparently they always fight, so it’s weird to catch them talking. xP


Note: This video isn’t made by me. It’s copyrighted the guy at YouTube!


Also, someone else did a “translation” of the cat talking video:


Note: This video also isn’t made by me. It’s copyrighted the guy at YouTube!


They’re so cute… and the translation’s funny too! =D


~Estrelita, who is a cat lover!

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Haha, after some two weeks of practicing, I finally decided to film this and upload it!

Of course, while I can play it with no mistakes normally, I always suffer from stage fright when I perform, whether in front of an audience or a camera… so you’ll hear some mistakes in that. o_o

There’s also that issue of my place being a noisy area (you hear cars and lorries and stuff passing by the road, you hear the neighbour’s kid crying, you hear my sister laughing her head off while watching some show upstairs… you get the idea), and the issue of my digital camera not recording things nicely. My Petrof piano sounds so cheap. T_T

Regardless, I hope you’ll enjoy this!



Oh yeah, before I forget, the sheet music is made by Jonathan Adijanto, which I got off pianofiles.com. My playing follows about 90% of that sheet music, while the rest is some minor editing here and there to suit my taste. =D


~Estrelita Farr, now suffering from stage fright. o_o

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For all cat lovers out there, here’s a video of a ninja cat… really scary. Now if only it’s wearing a black suit with a toy katana on its back! =D


Note: This video isn’t made by me. It’s copyrighted the guy at YouTube… except there are so many of these videos that I don’t know who recorded the cat. But, it’s still copyrighted, and I still didn’t make it!


So pro. I tried doing that to my cat (and my brother’s) in hopes of turning them into ninja cats… but they just ignored me. T_T


~Estrelita Farr, whose cats aren’t ninja cats.

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Here, watch this dance, it’s ridiculous. xP



Yep, I’ve nothing better to do, pulling an allnighter to finish an assignment. O_O


~Estrelita Farr, still going strong at 3am!

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First, let me start off by how I found the video. xP


  • Early this year, my boyfriend bought a PSP with his group of friends and got Monster Hunter Freedom 2 (and recently he started playing MH Portable 2G, using the unofficial English patch). Since I’m also a gamer, I played his PSP occasionally when I’m bored, though the games he had then wasn’t of that much interest to me (and since I have a PS2, I don’t see the point of getting a PSP so I didn’t o_o)..
  • He asked me a few times to search for some PSP games that I can download to play on his PSP when I’m bored (and when he’s not using it!), so I bounced off to GameFaqs (doesn’t everyone? xP) to search for a list of PSP games. Then I gave up and read reviews on RPGFan instead. =D.
  • And then I saw THREE pretty good reviews on FFT: WotL (which is a port of the original PS1 game), and since I loved the original, obviously I had to get it!.
  • Upon finding out that FFT:WotL has some new cell-graphics cutscenes, then I went off to YouTube to look for some videos (not afraid of spoilers since I already completed the original a few times!)..

It’s a GMV (game music video) made using cutscenes from FFT:WotL, and I think the lyrics fit very well in the portrayal of Ramza and Delita’s friendship!


(And yes, I do like certain Japanese songs, I do like anime songs after all. xP)


Here, watch it!


Oh, before that:


Wallpaper of the Period

Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions (Game)


Gotta update the wallpapers and you know why I choose this. xP


Presenting… the GMV!!



**Edit: Hey, I dunno why the author took this out just a few days after I wrote this on my blog!! I’ll keep looking for it, but so far, zilch. T_T

Nice, wasn’t it? Made me so hyped up over FFT:WotL, then I just had to bug my boyfriend to get it ASAP. xP

Now I wanna make a music video too!! Though I’ve no artsy idea at all now. T_T

Disclaimer: I DID NOT MAKE THIS GOOD GMV!! Credits go to the maker. o_o


And now… a very mini FFT review!!


Upon starting FFT:WotL a little after reading lots of reviews, I thought I knew what to expect… but no! It blew me off!


The Pros:

The conversation translation of this PSP version (compared to the PS1 original) is much better now – everyone speaks in funky Shakespearean English!! Yep, the English is a little difficult to me too, the grammar is confusing for me! And that’s a good thing, because it makes it interesting. xP


But hey, the characters come back in 3D cell graphics, with GOOD voice actors! This isn’t one of those games with ridiculous sounding English voice actors; it’s pretty good!


The Cons:

Though unfortunately, it’s still just a PS1-to-PSP port, so the actual gameplay and off-cutscene graphics are still the same (I was kinda hoping to see different graphics outside cutscenes… oh well o_o). The icky part is, whenever you use a skill (as in, anything that turns the background dark, INCLUDING using potions!), the animation slows down a lot! The sound effects of those skills don’t match the animation most of the time, and I didn’t think it was that bad. T_T


Still, it’s a pretty good game to play, and I look forward to seeing all the cell-graphic cutscenes!


And hopefully you feel like playing the game now. xP


~Estrelita Farr, signing out!

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