
Archive for May, 2009

Of course, when we play an online game, it’s important to have loads of resources so that we can make better choices in-game; these MMORPGs aren’t exactly a quick game, after all. Here’s a bunch of resources that I’ve gathered so far in my Granado Espada gaming!

Though this list is posted while I’m currently in Granado Espada SEA version 3.2, hence the score is based on that.

The resources:

  • Granado Source: 3.5/5

    A pretty good place to look for the almost-complete list of guides, including RNPC recruitment guides. One gripe I have about the quest guide on this place is that it’s not exactly most recently updated; many of the quests now give glaziums (low grade, general grade, high grade, etc) for pioneering equipment, but it doesn’t say it. Another grip is, it’s pretty difficult looking for older posts if they’re not popular; there isn’t a list of categories to choose from.

  • Distinguished Sword: 2/5

    Even more incomplete compared to Granado Source, especially the fact that its latest post is on a “new” NPC for version 2.4. Regardless, there are extra guides here that many other places don’t cover, such as the Hedgestone and Area Voucher quests, not to mention it also has a list of costumes that are possible to be gained, at least for people who like to look nice like me… except it also isn’t updated. Not so useful beyond that though.

  • Book of Wind: 5/5

    A consistently updated Granado Espada site. The catch is, this site isn’t focused on guides and databases like others, but rather on characters. List of characters, combination buffs, stances and more, which will help in choosing which characters to be placed in your long term team. A pretty good place.

  • Granado Cafe: 2/5

    An expansive database and explanation articles, which will help new players greatly. However, I don’t think it’s updated anymore; the latest piece of news is in 2007, so it may not have data on the newer stuff. Still, it helps a bit.

  • Port Coimbra: 3.5/5

    An even bigger database compared to Granado Cafe, it has data on weapons, armour, shops and more. While it’s still being consistently updated, the only problem is that some of the names are different… because it’s based on Sword of the New World, not Granado Espada SEA version. Personally I don’t use this because it’s a bit of a hassle trying to find out the names of the equipment and stuff; going to the NPCs in-game is much more convenient. I don’t quite like the site design either, but that’s another story.


I’ll update when I get more. @_@


~Estrelita Farr, relies a lot on resources. x_x

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Yeah, I know I quit last year because of a particular update (the Golden Well losing its Bellem Box spitting task, change of font where special characters like the one in my character name became a box), but right after exams, I got a bunch of friends to play! Compared to last year when I played alone (so happens I started some time after they stopped), this time I’ve a bunch of friends to play with, it’s great!

It’s been some time since I started, but I wanted to make sure I was going to stay in the game for a while… it’d be sad if I were to announce “Hey, lookie here, I’m playing Granado Espada again!!” and then disappear after a while. x_x

So look here, my characters; level 60 already!



Nice, isn’t it? I used some hard earned vis from my old account to buy some costumes from the market, as well as some elite equipment; which is why they’re not shining! The sad thing is, I forgot about the pioneering armour until now; I just only started using pioneering equipment at level 60. That’s 10m gone from upgrading equipment to +6 and enchanting them. T_T

In case you’re wondering how much I had from my old account… well, I stopped at level 62 with a Fighter-Elementalist-Scout team with about 128m vis. Yep, I had that much when I was playing with the Golden Well and Bellem Boxes (that’s my only method of making money then, but I was pretty patient), but after they removed the Golden Well function (in a way to protect the economy, I guess), it’s much harder to make money at lower levels now. I’m still playing with Bellem Boxes, but sometimes there’s no profit… sad.

But anyways, it’s pretty fun now with my friends on, so maybe I’ll restart the GE comic I did the last time!

No promises though, I may get really lazy and stuff. @_@


~Estrelita Farr, enjoying herself!

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